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The Phlunk

‘The what?’ I hear you cry. ‘The Phlunk,’ I say. But what does that mean? Am I just making up odd words in a bid for attention? Well, no, I am not. But Lou Rhodes might be!

I shall explain. Yesterday we received an unexpected parcel. I am usually a fan of unexpected parcels, especially when they contain books that I have not read before. So, yesterday morning, whilst minding my own business, in came the postman bearing a gift of ‘The Phlunk’. 

He looks like this (the Phlunk, not our postie),

thanks to the creativity of illustrator, Tori Elliott. Pretty cute heh? He’s a sort of cat-alien creature, with enormous ears and striking green eyes.

I read the book to myself first and wasn’t completely sure. It is beautifully illustrated and has a gentle rhythm to it, but I thought that some of the images may be a little scary. So, I read it to a lovely bunch during one of our story-time sessions, to find out what children think. The verdict? I am very happy to say that it was a huge hit. The children loved the Phlunk himself and enjoyed the story too. It actually sparked a lovely discussion about dreams, which was a pleasant diversion.

Needless to say, we will be stocking ‘The Phlunk’ at Chicken and Frog as soon as it is available.


The independent children's bookshop and tuition centre in the heart of Brentwood, Essex. Owned and run by Mr Frog & Mrs Chicken (happily married book-nerds), with the sole aim of bringing high quality books and tuition to our community.